Are You True to Yourself?

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Are You True to Yourself? 
It's all about peace and if you know about yourself or not.

Embracing a Journey of Spiritual Discovery: True To Yourself

I have been involved in the metaphysical world for over twenty years. My journey began with a deep, insatiable curiosity and a longing for deeper understanding. Growing up in an agnostic family left me with many questions about life and spirituality. “What if?” constantly played in my mind. What if I went to church? What if there really was a God? What if angels were hiding in the clouds in the sky? These questions stayed with me long after I entered adulthood.

The Beginning of My Spiritual Journey

Driven by a need for answers and a deeper connection, I explored various spiritual practices. I started by attending a traditional church with my friends, but it didn’t resonate with me. I then entered a non-traditional church that interpreted the Bible through a metaphysical lens. Initially, it felt like home, but it soon became commercialized, focusing more on profit than genuine spiritual growth.

Disappointed, I left and continued my search at a Buddhist temple. While I appreciated the tranquillity and acceptance, I still felt out of place. My journey was filled with diverse experiences: meditation, energy healing, sound healing, visits to vortexes, studying Quantum Physics, using crystals, burning incense and candles, and smudging my house when somebody said me, be true to yourself. I consumed countless books, movies, and workshops, all aimed at bringing me closer to God or the Source.

Struggles and Realizations

Throughout my spiritual exploration, I often felt inadequate, comparing myself to others who seemed to succeed effortlessly while I struggled. I began to believe that I wasn’t one of the “chosen ones” capable of maintaining a high vibration long enough to make a significant change. What was wrong with me ?

However, I never gave up. Even as a small child asking all of the “what if” questions, I knew that there was a God. I felt it deeply in my soul. It was a slow, steady beat that would never stop. Sometimes, it would get quiet, but it was always there. During my 30s, I realized that God was speaking to me through music.

Not a specific kind of music; it could be anything, country, pop, instrumental, but now and then, a word or a note would catch my attention, and it was like a whisper, reminding me that God was here, just waiting for me to connect. In those moments, I could let go of my fears and doubts.

Embracing My Unique Path

In recent years, I’ve realized that my spiritual journey is uniquely mine and if someone asks are you true to yourself? I would say yes. It’s not meant to mirror anyone else’s path. A phrase that often came to mind during my studies was “To thyself be true.” I ignored it for many years, but now I fully embrace it. I’ve learned that there’s no single way to connect with your Higher Self rather than being true to yourself (one's own self). For me, it’s through God the Father and Jesus Christ. Others may refer to their Higher Self as the Universe, Father/Mother God, or simply as Source. Whatever your choice, I honour and respect it.

Discovering Attracting Grace

Discovering Attracting Grace and The Magical Mind Process was a turning point. This process facilitates access to the deepest layers of our consciousness, allowing us to shed limiting beliefs that hinder our growth. When our thoughts align with our Higher Self, we unlock the ability to manifest effortlessly, transcending obstacles and embracing a life filled with love and fulfilment.

It was a revelation: there was nothing “wrong” with me. I simply needed to address the limiting beliefs instilled in me from a young age, like “You’re just a girl, so you better be pretty” and “Our family has always been poor, so you can only hope to die without debt and leave a little for your children.” These messages have been passed down through generations in my family.

The Shift and Transformation

If someone pops in saying are you true to yourself? I would say yes! The shift in my life has been profound. Letting go of the need to compete with others has allowed me to embrace my unique journey. I’ve stopped seeking validation and confidence outside of myself. I’ve greatly reduced my reliance on the latest self-help trends and can now define what my best self looks like. I consciously create my day, stay present, and express gratitude for the abundance of blessings in my life.

There is no magic wand to erase the past and create the future. As a wise man once told me, “Pray and move your feet.” My days are filled with doing and thinking about what’s necessary for my growth. I ask myself, “What is the next right action?” and then I take the steps needed to accomplish that. It doesn’t even feel like work! I wake up each day anticipating the good that will come to me. Even on less-than-wonderful days, I end with a prayer of gratitude for the gift of life.

Reflecting on the Journey

Reflecting on this journey, I see a beautiful life created from diverse experiences and lessons. Every step, every misstep, and every moment of doubt has contributed to the growth of my spiritual life. The years of searching, learning, and evolving have brought me to a place of peace and understanding. I now see challenges as opportunities for growth and moments of uncertainty as invitations to deepen my faith.

Embracing Interconnectedness and Compassion

The transformation I’ve experienced is not just about personal growth; it’s about recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. We are all on a journey, each path unique yet intertwined and I would say in this process be true to yourself. When we honour our own journey, we create space for others to honour theirs. This mutual respect and understanding foster a sense of unity and compassion that transcends differences.

Embrace Your Journey

I encourage you to embrace your journey with an open heart and mind and be true to yourself. Explore different practices, question your beliefs, and find what resonates with your soul. Trust that every experience, no matter how small, is a stepping stone towards greater understanding and connection. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to embark on this journey. It’s about discovering what brings you peace, joy, and a sense of purpose.

Looking Forward

As I continue to walk this path, I remain committed to growth and learning. I am excited about the future and the endless possibilities it holds. I look forward to deepening my connection with the Divine, exploring new spiritual practices, and sharing my journey with others. The journey is ongoing, and I embrace it with a sense of wonder and gratitude.

Supporting Each Other

I pray that your path leads you to the peace of mind you desire while you being true to yourself and supporting. If you need a hand-up, let me know. If I need a hand-up, I will ask for help. We are all of One Mind, connected in our quest for spiritual fulfilment. Together, we can create a world filled with love, compassion, and understanding. Let’s support each other on this incredible journey and celebrate the unique beauty of each path.


Embrace your journey of being true to yourself, trust in your inner wisdom, and know that you are never alone. The Divine is always with you, guiding and supporting you every step of the way. Here’s to a life filled with joy, love, and infinite possibilities. Stay true to yourself, and you will find the meaning and fulfilment you seek.

If you need any assistance in this entire process, you can contact attracting grace by which you can get clear path to greater happiness and joy. You can even book an appointment or contact them at

Attracting Grace

Elevating awareness for blissful living, the Attracting Grace Team is here to support you on your journey. Through our blog posts, we offer robust guidance to help you navigate life by focusing on the present moment in ways you may not have explored before. Our goal is to inspire mindfulness and well-being, transforming your everyday experiences into moments of grace and joy. Join us in discovering new perspectives for a more fulfilling life.

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