15 Tips to Embrace the Law of Abundance: Living Abundantly

The Law of Abundance is a powerful concept that teaches us there is more than enough for everyone in the universe. By embracing this mindset, we can live abundantly, attract more opportunities, and achieve greater fulfilment. When we believe in abundance, we see possibilities and feel more positive. This positive energy attracts good things to…

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Discover Transformational Coaching: What It Is and How It Can Change Your Life

What Is Transformational Coaching? Transformational coaching helps people unlock their full potential by changing how they think and act. Unlike traditional coaching, which focuses on specific goals, transformational coaching goes deeper. It aims to transform the way people see themselves and the world around them. This type of coaching helps individuals become more aware of…

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Embracing the Present Moment

Embracing the Present Moment

I am an overthinker. Well, I was, I should say, until today.  I finally grasped an understanding of my condition and poor habits that prevent me from being in the now. And so I consider myself moving forward to a new way of being. One that’s in tune with my body, not deaf to it…

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Embracing Renewal Amid a Spectacular Cicada Event

Embracing Renewal

I can remember a time when I believed nature was boring. If you asked me to go on a hike or spend time outdoors, all I could think about was the fact that I would be walking in silence potentially for hours–which was something I dreaded.  Why? You may ask. For many, hiking is far…

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Embracing the Silence Part 1

Challenges show up seemingly out of nowhere—and daily. Bills piling up, that light checking account causing money stress… got kids? A spouse? A job? A boss, or a business to run?    How about sleep? When was the last time you slept, like really slept?    Maybe it’s been awhile—because after all, how can you sleep with…

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A Letter to My Unconscious Mind

Unconscious Mind

Struggling to create a life you love? Battling inner turmoil and health issues? I’ve been there too. With an invisible disability, I found it hard to express my needs, leading to frustration and self-doubt. I named this inner struggle “Niki” after a name I disliked from childhood. I became a people-pleaser, burying and abandoning my…

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Addicted to Attracting Pain

My mind is often dead silent, but for my entire life I believed every thought that would occasionally drift into my mind. As a result, many of those thoughts became a toxic habit that manifested into concrete beliefs with automatic behaviors. I was a constant reactor to my environment. When I was seven, I decided…

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