The Power of Presence: Breaking Free from the Hypnosis of Overthinking


Do you struggle with indecision? How about perfectionism, presence, overwhelm, self-doubt, anxiety, or stress? Do you find yourself overcomplicating things? I could go on… Ever think so much that you stop hearing your thoughts? Or worse… your thoughts are so loud you can’t focus. Does focusing feel like a chore, with your mind flipping through…

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Embracing the Silence Part 2

Embracing The Silence

I considered my mind to be quiet for a long time, just because silence was all there was for me. Until I woke up to the noise. I used overthinking as an unconscious means to run away from the silence. In 2019, I discovered meditation and transcended many levels thanks to my ability to turn…

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Embracing the Silence Part 1

embracing silence part 1

Challenges show up seemingly out of nowhere—and daily. Bills piling up, that light checking account causing money stress… got kids? A spouse? A job? A boss, or a business to run? How about sleep? When was the last time you slept, like really slept?  Maybe it’s been a while—because after all, how can you sleep…

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Are You Inauthentically Authentic?

Inauthentically Authentic

Did you know there’s such a thing as being unintentionally inauthentically authentic? Quite the tongue twister, isn’t it? Try saying that three times fast! 😂 I didn’t know it at first, but for a long time, that was me. It wasn’t until I began the work to raise my consciousness that I discovered this dysfunctional…

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Embracing Resilience

Embracing Resilience

Do you struggle with indecision? How about perfectionism, overwhelm, self-doubt, anxiety, resilience or stress? Do you find yourself overcomplicating things? I could go on…Ever think so much that you stop hearing your thoughts? Or worse… your thoughts are so loud you can’t focus? Does focusing feel like a chore, with your mind flipping through distractions…

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There’s More to Self-Love Than You Think…


What Does Self-Love Mean to You? Self-love means different things to different people. It’s not a one-size-fits-all concept, and its meaning can shift depending on your circumstances. Practices like self-respect, self-worth, self-compassion, and higher self-esteem are all essential components of self-love. Essentially, it’s about silencing that harsh inner critic and replacing it with a kind…

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Embracing Patience

Embracing Patience

For as long as I can remember, I have always been “rushing” to get somewhere. I found myself constantly on the go and seemingly “too busy” to do anything remotely fun. Fun? I knew I had to carve that into my busy schedule somehow, but there was always too much to do. One day, I…

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How to Become a Life Coach: A Step-by-Step Success Guide

How to Become a Life Coach

Introduction to the Concept of Life Coaching Life coaching is a profession that is dedicated to helping people achieve their personal and professional goals. As a life coach, you guide individuals in making decisions, overcoming obstacles, and fulfilling their dreams. Life coaching is forward-focused, unlike therapy, which often focuses on addressing past issues and emotional…

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10 Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening: A Comprehensive Guide

10 Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

10 physical symptoms of Spiritual awakening provide a profound transformation that marks an important change in one’s life and perspective. It is often accompanied by various physical symptoms that can be puzzling and sometimes challenging. Understanding these symptoms can help individuals navigate their spiritual journey more comfortably. Here’s a detailed guide on the common physical…

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