Embracing Resilience

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Embracing Resilience

Do you struggle with indecision?

How about perfectionism, overwhelm, self-doubt, anxiety, resilience or stress? Do you find yourself overcomplicating things? I could go on…
Ever think so much that you stop hearing your thoughts? Or worse… your thoughts are so loud you can’t focus?

Does focusing feel like a chore, with your mind flipping through distractions like channels on a TV? Maybe you land on one—it feels good for a moment—then boredom strikes, and off you go searching for the next shiny object to “feel good” again.

It’s a stressful way to live, right? For many, overthinking becomes so overwhelming it can lead to diagnoses like anxiety disorders and other mental health challenges, and can worsen hereditary disorders such as ADHD. With today’s constant flood of distractions from social media, TV, work, and life, it’s no surprise our brains are overloaded.

Overthinking isn’t just unhealthy, it’s exhausting. And if you’ve ever been trapped in the cycle of overanalysing everything, you know how impossible it can feel to break free. For some, the idea of inner peace feels like a distant dream, something achievable for others but out of reach for themselves. So, we stay stuck, "dealing" with it without really dealing with it.

Does this sound like you? Or maybe someone you know?

The Good News

Before we get into the solution, let’s first understand what overthinking really is and how important embracing resilience is.

Overthinking is fear, plain and simple. Here’s how:

Fear of Failure: "What if I mess up? I keep playing out every scenario, hoping to avoid mistakes. One wrong move could ruin everything."
Fear of the Unknown: "The future is so unpredictable. I try to think through every possibility, but it just leaves me anxious and stuck."
Fear of Rejection or Judgment: "Did I say the wrong thing? What if they think less of me? I’m constantly worried about what others think."
Fear of Making the Wrong Decision: "What if I make the wrong choice? I’m terrified of regret, so I keep going over the options again and again."
Fear of Disappointment: "I hate the idea of letting anyone down. I replay my actions, worrying that I didn’t do enough."
Fear of Not Being in Control: "When things are out of my control, I get really uncomfortable. I try to manage every detail, but the more I do, the more out of control I feel."
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): "What if there’s something better? I don’t want to miss out, so I keep analyzing every option."
Fear of Regret: "I can’t stop replaying past decisions. What if I make another choice I regret?"
Fear of Change: "Change feels scary because I don’t know what’s coming. I overthink everything to try to prepare."
Fear of Imperfection: "I just want things to be perfect. But no matter how much I think about it, nothing ever feels good enough."
These fears keep you trapped—in your head. And when you're trapped in your head, being present feels impossible.

My Story

When I was a toddler, I was diagnosed with profound hearing loss—98% in both ears. Silence was my world until I got hearing aids. But when I finally entered the world of sound, I rejected it. I even buried my hearing aids in the sandbox as a kid!

Eventually, I had to give in. By age four, I could speak, and the expectation was that I would "fit in" like everyone else. Forget sign language or captions—I had to figure it out on my own.

But the hardest part wasn’t learning to speak. It was trying to belong. I was different, and I knew it. I pushed myself to meet impossible standards and embrace resilience, all because of a belief I created: I wasn’t enough as I was.
Here’s where it gets tricky. The silence I once knew became unbearable because it reminded me of how different I was. So, I filled my mind with as much noise as I could. I believed that if my mind was full of thoughts, I would be "normal."

The more I overthought, the more I lost touch with my body. I became every thought, and I believed every one of them. This constant thinking and resilience became my addiction, and being present was out of the question.

I chose to be an overthinker. I created it—on purpose!

When I finally woke up to this truth, I had to confront a tidal wave of emotions—anger, shame, resentment, and disappointment in myself. I had spent decades trapped in a mental cycle of overthinking, believing it made me normal.

The Turning Point of Embracing Resilience

Here’s the kicker: I didn’t just wake up to the fact that I was overthinking. I realized I had the power to undo it.
Being present is possible, even for an overthinker, need to have resilience. It starts with will. The will to be present, the faith that it’s possible, and the trust that you can get there.
I decided I was done with the pain of overthinking. I chose to undo the dysfunction I had created. And the results? Nothing short of miraculous.

The Rewards of Presence

Since committing to presence and resilience, I’ve experienced more love, blessings, and miracles than I ever imagined possible:

A hospital bill for tens of thousands of dollars disappeared without explanation.
A $60,000 legal claim against my business was dismissed—twice—with almost no legal fees.
My marriage survived years of my controlling behavior and mental health struggles.
I avoided acting on dark, suicidal thoughts through the practice of presence.
And the biggest miracle of all? I reversed my hearing loss—an "impossible" feat by medical standards.
Presence is where the power is. It breaks the hypnosis of overthinking and frees you from the mental prison you've built.

How to Start?

If you're ready to escape the overthinking trap, it starts with one decision. Choose presence and embrace resilience. Make the intention. Start small, and allow yourself the grace to walk the path, no matter how long it takes.
Soon enough, you’ll find yourself at the end of not just one rainbow, but many, with a pot of gold waiting for you each time.

If you're looking forward to embracing resilience but you don't know how to, you can contact Attracting Grace.

Stay tuned for the next blog—tips and tricks to stay present!

Cheers to love, light, and higher truth 🥂
Nicole ❤️

Laura Morgan

Meet Laura, a dynamic speaker, facilitator, and mindset coach dedicated to personal growth and empowerment. With a rich background and a passion for exploring spiritual beliefs and energy healing modalities, Laura delves deep into the human experience. Her journey as a seeker reflects her desire to connect with something greater than the ordinary, helping others tap into their full potential. Join Laura on a transformative path toward self-discovery and elevated awareness.

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