Law of Assumption vs Law of Attraction

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Two principles often arise in personal development and manifestation: the Law of Assumption vs Law of Attraction. While both laws deal with the power of our thoughts to shape our reality, they operate in subtly different ways. This blog post will delve into the distinctions between these two laws, helping you understand how each can be applied to your life for maximum benefit.

Law of Assumption vs Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a popular concept that has been discussed in numerous books, seminars, and workshops worldwide. Simply put, it states that "like attracts like." This means that the thoughts you hold in your mind, the emotions you feel, and the energy you emit all work to attract similar energies from the universe. If you think positively, you attract positive situations; if you think negatively, you attract negative outcomes.

The Law of Attraction is often visualized as a magnetic force where your thoughts and feelings draw circumstances into your life. Many adherents believe that by visualizing their desires, maintaining a positive mindset, and using affirmations, they can influence the outcomes of their lives.

What is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption, although less discussed, is equally powerful. This law suggests that whatever you assume with conviction becomes your reality. In other words, the reality you experience is a direct reflection of your assumptions about what you think is true or possible. Unlike the Law of Attraction, which focuses on attracting external things, the Law of Assumption is more about internally assuming the state of your desired reality.

Under the Law of Assumption, it's believed that by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you step into the identity and reality of that wish. This isn't about attracting something from the outside but rather about transforming your internal state to match that of your desired outcome.

Key Differences Between the Laws


  • Law of Attraction: It focuses on emotions and thoughts as magnets that attract circumstances, people, and opportunities.
  • Law of Assumption: It emphasizes the importance of adopting a certain state of being or assumption about the world, which then reflects back in your experiences.


  • Law of Attraction: Works by aligning your vibrational frequency with what you want to attract.
  • Law of Assumption: Operates on the principle that reality conforms to your assumptions about what is true.


  • Law of Attraction: Often involves tools like vision boards, affirmations, and visualization to enhance one’s ability to attract desired outcomes.
  • Law of Assumption: Requires you to live "as if" your desired state is already true, often requiring a more profound psychological shift.

Applying the Laws in Everyday Life

Understanding these laws is one thing, but applying them can often seem challenging. Here are some practical ways to integrate the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction into your daily life:

For the Law of Attraction:

  1. Visualization: Spend time each day visualizing your life as you wish it to be. Picture your goals as already achieved and feel the emotions that come with that achievement.
  2. Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reinforce the belief in your ability to attract what you desire. Repeat phrases like "I am attracting abundance in my life" or "I deserve love and happiness."
  3. Mindfulness: Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Try to maintain a positive outlook and redirect negative thoughts as they arise.

For the Law of Assumption:

  1. Assume the Wish Fulfilled: Act as if your desired outcome is already a reality. This could mean living your day-to-day life as if you have already achieved your goals. For example, if you want a new job, start acting like you have it by adopting professional habits or even dressing the part.
  2. Emotional Alignment: Align your emotions with your assumptions. Feel the joy, confidence, or peace that comes from knowing your wish is fulfilled.
  3. Consistency: Consistency in your assumed state is key. Regularly remind yourself of your new state and behave in accordance with it.

Challenges and Considerations

While both laws promise the power to transform your life, they require awareness, discipline, and a willingness to examine deeply held beliefs. It’s important to be patient and persistent with these practices, as changes may not occur overnight. Also, it’s crucial to maintain a balance and ensure that your assumptions and attractions are grounded in reality and aligned with your true desires and ethical practices.


  1. Maintaining Consistency: Both laws require a consistent application of their principles. For the Law of Attraction, consistently maintaining a positive mindset and a high vibrational frequency can be challenging, especially in the face of adversity or daily stresses. Similarly, the Law of Assumption demands that you consistently live as if your desired outcomes are already a reality, which can be challenging to sustain, particularly when external circumstances contradict your assumptions.
  2. Psychological Barriers: Both laws involve a profound mental and emotional commitment. Overcoming ingrained negative thought patterns and skepticism can be a significant hurdle. People often need help with doubts and disbelief in the effectiveness of these laws, which can prevent the manifestation processes from working effectively.
  3. Misalignment of Desires: Sometimes, what we think we want isn't genuinely aligned with our deeper desires or life's purpose. This misalignment can lead to outcomes that don't satisfy or fulfill us or fail to manifest anything at all.


  1. Ethical Implications: The ethical implications of using these laws should be considered. It's essential to use these powers responsibly and ensure that pursuing personal desires does not negatively impact others or oneself. Manifestation should be aligned with ethical practices and contribute positively to one's life and the lives of others.
  2. Patience and Realistic Expectations: Manifestation is only sometimes instantaneous. It requires patience and time. Effective use of these laws often involves setting intentions and working towards goals through action. It's crucial to have realistic expectations about the speed and manner in which the changes may occur.
  3. Emotional and Mental Health: Relying solely on the Law of Assumption or the Law of Attraction can sometimes lead to disappointment if expectations are unmet. Maintaining a balanced perspective and ensuring that mental and emotional health is preserved is vital, recognizing that these laws are tools rather than guarantees.

Understanding these challenges and considerations can lead to more effective and sustainable use of the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction. By addressing these aspects, one can better navigate the journey of personal growth and manifestation with clarity and purpose.


The Law of Assumption vs. the Law of Attraction presents two pathways to personal transformation. By understanding and applying these laws, you can begin to see shifts in your consciousness and your life circumstances. Whether you choose to focus on attracting what you desire or assuming it’s already yours, the key is to remain consistent, positive, and open to the possibilities that your mind can manifest. Embrace these laws as tools in your journey toward personal fulfillment, and watch as your world transforms in reflection of your thoughts and beliefs.

Mike Connor

Mike Connor is a seasoned coach and spiritual guide with over twenty years of experience in metaphysical and energy coaching. He skillfully combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques to help his clients achieve spiritual alignment and live lives of purpose and grace. Mike focuses on transformative practices like affirmations and mindfulness, guiding individuals to connect with their higher selves and embrace abundance. Known for his empathetic and personalized approach, Mike is a trusted mentor for those seeking guidance and self-discovery. His teachings offer a pathway to significant personal transformations and enduring peace.

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